Tuesday, March 6, 2018



Tomorrow night the History Channel is beginning a new series called "The Men Who Built America:  Frontiersmen."  The first show is about Daniel Boone.  I have no idea how accurate this depiction will be, but the advertisements look great.  I'm told Leonardo DiCaprio is producing it - I gather because of his participation in the movie "The Revenant."

Daniel Boone is a first cousin.  Technically, a first cousin 7 times removed.  His mother, Sarah Morgan Boone, was the sister of my 6th great grandfather, John Morgan (1697-1747).  Daniel Boone and I share a grandfather - Edward Morgan.  Edward was Daniel Boone's grandfather and my 7th great grandfather.

 My lineage from Boone's grandfather, Edward Morgan, looks like this...

Edward Morgan was born in Wales and settled in Pennsylvania.  He built a home that is still standing.  It can be visited today at Lansdale, PA. I think you can rent it out for events!  See the website here...   http://www.morganloghouse.org/

I've found our Brashears (Dad's side) bumped into the Boones way back when.  The Brashears were headed through Kentucky and Illinois at the same time Daniel Boone was doing his thing.  Fifth great grandfather, Tobias Brashear who served under Gen. George Rogers Clark in the Illinois Campaign had an older brother named Marsham.  When the family was moving through Kentucky, Marsham stayed and operated a "Stand" on the Wilderness Road where Louisville, Kentucky is now.  He met and married Lucy Phelps who had lived through the siege of Boonesborough.  There is a book called "The Women at Fort Boonesborough" where she is featured prominently.  In it she is quoted by Lyman Draper, saying she watched Daniel Boone shoot an Indian spy out of a nearby tree as the Indian peered into the fort.

I also found a promissory note written by the brother of Daniel Boone, Squire Boone, to Marsham in which he records the sale of a slave to Marsham.  This letter was sold in an online auction a couple years ago.  I was able to grab the image from the auction site...

I've been looking forward to the History Channel's rendition of cousin Daniel Boone.  I hope it turns out worthwhile.

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