Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Mississippi's 155th

There are only 24 active Army National Guard units with campaign credits for the War of 1812.  Mississippi's 155th is one of them.  It was formed when Mississippi was only a territory-- almost 20 years before statehood.

Andrew Jackson used Hind's Mississippi dragoons as his eyes and ears during the battle of New Orleans.

Family connections to the 155th of the War of 1812...

Pvt. Michael Alexander Dickson (1798-1865) - He was a 16 year old Private in John G Richardson's Company of Dragoons, Hinds' Battalion, Mississippi Militia during the War of 1812.  He later married a first cousin, Elizabeth Hannah Parsons Palmer.  Her grandparents are 6th great grandparents (Hannah and Archibald David Palmer Sr).

Cornet Parsons Carter (1776-1839) - 6th Great Uncle -   Cornet, in Capt. Jedediah Smith's Company of Dragoons, Hinds' Battalion, Mississippi Militia.  Muster rolls show him sick in camp in the vicinity of New Orleans during the Battle of New Orleans.  Parsons was born in what became Wilkinson County, Mississippi.  His father was Nehemiah Carter, a 6th great-grandfather and well known member of Mississippi's "Jersey Settlers."

Capt. Jedediah Smith - 1st cousin 6x removed - Jedediah's mother was the sister of 5th great grandfather, Tobias Brashear.  Jedediah was a Captain commanding his own Dragoon Company under Lt. Col. Thomas Hinds during the Battle of New Orleans.  Jedediah's grandfather was the first Presbyterian minister in Natchez although he died only 10 days after arriving.

Pvt. William Noland and Pvt Jeremiah Noland - 5th great Uncles -  Sons of Pierce Noland, a 5th great grandfather.  They grew up on a Spanish Land Grant at Thompson Creek on the Mississippi side of the Ellicott line (31st Parallel) not far from Fort Adams.  William and Jeremiah served alongside Michael Dickson in John G Richardson's Company of Dragoons in Hind's Battalion during the Battle of New Orleans.

Unit Insignia:

The yellow element on the left side is a cactus- representing the Unit's participation in the War with Mexico.  The Fleur De Lis represents the Battle of New Orleans.  Wiki says "Stand Fast" became the motto after Jefferson Davis used those words commanding the unit during the War with Mexico.

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