Thursday, May 3, 2018

Aunt Pinkie's Memoir

Henrie Sentell Gladden

Henrie "Pinkie" Sentell Gladden was an older sister of my paternal grandmother, Annie Lou "Lucy" Sentell McBride. They were really half sisters, but you will read in Pinkie's memoir that they barely thought about that distinction.

In the summer of 2016 I made a pass through Baton Rouge and stopped at the LSU library. I knew they had a copy of Aunt Pinkie's hand written memoir. The staff let me take pictures of the pages with my phone. I didn't have my glasses so some of my photos turned out blurry, but I was able to transcribe the whole thing. It was about 62 handwritten pages. Here is what the first page looked like...

I made a PDF of my transcribed copy. It's much easier to read than the blurry photo'd pages. It's a great read. I can't promise I got every word right-- especially some of the names of people I don't know. Aunt Pinkie's handwriting was just fine; it was my photography that was lacking.
See the whole memoir at this LINK to PDF of Henrie Sentell Gladden's memoir.

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